December Stonehouse Saturday

Thanks to all those who braved the winds to come to our December meeting on Saturday.  Good to be able to welcome tow new faces, Jakki and Lyn. We managed to get quite cosy in Union Corner and had an interesting discussion the Plymouth Plan and enjoyed out lunch.  Didn’t find time to do the wreath making and will set another date to tidy the Adelaide Street planters.

Stonehouse Time Bank Saturday, 5th December

Looking forward to tomorrow’s meeting 10 am – 1 pm at Union Corner.  We will be making wreaths out of recycled materials (bring along old decorations to re-use), talking about the Plymouth Plan, tidying the planters in Adelaide Street and having a bring and share lunch.


Wreath by Jenny, Stonehouse Time Bank and Glad Rags member

November Stonehouse Saturday

Members created a sturdy raised bed out of scaffolding plants, planted bulbs in pots, as well as enjoying the bring and share lunch at Union Corner on Saturday 7th.  Still lots to do if you would like to help.

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Requests for swaps included looking after the planters in Adelaide Street, sorting our a house, putting up a towel rail, taking rubbish to the tip, a lift to B&Q and a drumming workshop.  Oh – and we now have a planter to treat with preservative and line.Is there anything there you would like to do?

Stonehouse Time Bank Saturday 7th November

After a wonderful trip to Bere Ferrers Apple Fest in October when  we were joined by people from Time Banks all over Plymouth we are back in Stonehouse 12 – 3 pm for our November social Saturday.
  • That’s back at Union Corner to continue with our help for the garden.  Grass has started growing in the mesh tiles we put down in September* so it’s looking fresh and green.  We were given scaffolding boards which members have collected* and started to turn into raised beds*.  On Saturday we hope to complete some of the planters ready for plants that we have been offered*.  We also have bulbs to pot up ready for the spring.
  • There will be the usual bring and share lunch.
  • Someone is bringing along games to play.
  • And we have new members keen to set up swaps.
Quite a variety of things to get involved with.  Hope you can find something you would like join in wit and can come along.
(Plymouth Energy Community have just confirmed that they will visiting us on Saturday 5th December with energy saving advice and free energy monitors)
* – contributions from Stonehouse Time Bankers.  Thanks!

Time Bank at the Union Street Party

Photos of Time Bank members at the Union Street Party found on Facebook.

At the Glad Rags cake and craft stall - with music too!
At the Glad Rags cake and craft stall – with music too!
The 100n Homes stall with Jacky.
The 100n Homes stall with Jacky.
Lots of familiar faces having fun here.
Lots of familiar faces having fun here.
2Ply members with stalls for Friend of Ham Woods and Hopes and Dreams
2Ply members with stalls for Friend of Ham Woods and Hopes and Dreams
Aerial view of the white Time Bank gazebo (bottom lfeft)
Aerial view of the white Time Bank gazebo (bottom lfeft)

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Tony raising money for All Nations Churcjh
Tony raising money for All Nations Churcjh
Pete busy working for his time bank credits!
Pete busy working for his time bank credits!
Anne visiting the Shed on Wheels.
Anne visiting the Shed on Wheels.

Visit to Bere Ferrers

What a lovely afternoon!

Over 24 of us set out from Plymouth station.  Stonehouse Time Bank was joined by membes from Whitleigh, Efford, a large group from North Prospect and Tess from All Ways Apples.

On the short train journey we passed from the city, through the countryside and has wonderful river views.

We made the most of the October sunshine.  Some picniced at the festival while others went down to the river.  Festivities included apple pressing with delicious fresh juice, apple id, apple shies, competitions, Morris dancing and music.


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Street Party Time!

12003931_1054518981238633_5184900871280220293_nThe Union Street Party is happening this Sunday – 27th September – from 12 – 4 pm. Stonehouse Time Bank will be there with a 100 Homes stall and with the Stonehouse Seedstore.  Member Gabi from Flameworks will be leading a tour of Plymouth Arts Weekender projects in Stonehouse – meet 2 pm at the Time Bank stall.  More information about the Weekender  –
So come along and if you haven’t already done so share a story about your Stonehouse home and give us your views on the future of the project.
The Seedstore will be sharing its seeds and stores again.  Happy to receive any seeds you might have collected this year.
Help needed to help Stonehouse Action prepare for the Party on the Saturday and to get ready for our Time Bank stall – we will be at Union Corner from 11 – 3.  Bring and share lunch.
Help needed on the day for  Party things like stewarding, litter picking, looking after venues, manning stalls, setting up an clearing away.  (Or just come along and enjoy yourself!)
Our October Saturday will be on 3rd October so keep the date free.  Information about times activities will be shared at the Street Party.  What would you like to do on these days?  Any swaps you need or skills/time to offer?
And our steering group will be meeting at the Oasis cafe at 9 am on Friday 25th September.  You are welcome to come an chat to us about Stonehouse Time Bank an give us your ideas.
Hope to see you at the Party!

Sports news!

Newcomers on the red team (the 3 to the left of this phots) were this year’s winners. Were they helped by beginner’s luck or some devious political-style tactics?
Misplaced nonchalance from a member of last year;s winning team?

Stonehouse Time Bank members has a wonderful time with the very patient and very entertaining Oliver Colvile who hosted our annual croquet match at Millfields on Saturday.  croquet4 croquet10 croquetanne

Ready for the delicious cream tea!

Croquet this Saturday!


Saturday 29th August
Millfields (entrance next to the Office Pub in High Street)
followed by tea

Come along for some excellent fun (absolutely no skill, knowledge or aptitude required!)
All welcome, so bring the whole family.

Let us know if you are coming so we have enough mallets and cakes.